Informasi Investor

PT Cipta Sarana Medika


PT Cipta Sarana Medika is a part of the Djajakusumah Health Care Group, a rapidly expanding hospital network across Indonesia. Backed by a strong professional team, PT Cipta Sarana Medika is committed to addressing the challenges of transformation in Indonesia’s healthcare industry, in line with the company’s vision and mission to contribute to a Healthy Indonesia.

Officially established in 2014, PT Cipta Sarana Medika began operations as a Type D private hospital with a capacity of 58 beds. Over the years, PT Cipta Sarana Medika has continued to grow through expansion and acquisition methods to extend its hospital network. By 2024, PT Cipta Sarana Medika had expanded to include more than one Type C hospital network with a total capacity of 387 beds, accredited by the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS and LAFKI) with Paripurna (Excellent) and Utama (Main) ratings.

In December 2023, PT Cipta Sarana Medika listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. During this process, the company collaborated with Public Accounting Firm (KAP) Jamaludin, Ardi, Sukimto & Partners – Member of Audittrust International, located at Jl. Kamboja No. 9, RT.3/RW.2, Jatipulo, Kec. Palmerah, West Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta.

PT Cipta Sarana Medika also partnered with ASNP Law Office (Previously Andreas, Sheila & Partners Law Office), located at Tokopedia Care, Ciputra International Building, Jl. Lkr. Luar Barat No.101, Rw. Buaya, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, as its legal consultant during the stock listing process on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Additionally, it appointed PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora, located at Kirana Boutique Office Block F3 No. 5 Jl. Kirana Avenue III, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, as the third-party registrar to manage administrative and operational aspects related to the company’s securities (shares) offered to the public.

PT Cipta Sarana Medika is dedicated to creating a more efficient, accurate, and reliable healthcare system while supporting service quality improvements across all its managed hospitals. The company introduces integrated IT-based healthcare services to reduce manual data entry, minimize errors, and improve accuracy. Through standardized procurement, PT Cipta Sarana Medika ensures the quality of raw materials and medical equipment is maintained through rigorous supplier selection. The company also applies a shared services method across hospitals within the group to achieve maximum operational efficiency.

Guided by the values of Mrs. Umar Wirahadikusumah—Compassion, Trust, Respect, Loyalty, Integrity, Conscience, Accountability, and Hope—PT Cipta Sarana Medika continues to move forward.


PT Cipta Sarana Medika
Head Office
Jl. Siliwangi No.139, Cibadak, Kec. Cibadak, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43351
Phone : (0266)7160071
Email :